A Tale of Resilience: A Dog’s Fight for Survival After Heartless Abandonment on a Sidewalk

It can be difficult to accept, but there are numerous families who choose to abandon their pets because of their old age. Some elderly dogs require additional care, but this is not a valid reason to leave them behind and abandon them. One family had spent many years with a lovable dog named Athena, who was discovered on the outskirts of Saratov in Russia.

She adores her owners and is content, but they unexpectedly announce that they are relocating and will not be taking her with them. Athena, an elderly and fluffy lady, was in grave danger due to the arduous labor that she had to endure. The inhabitants of this area found her lost in a deserted location, trapped by a chain that weighed several meters.

The helpless creature was in a dire state, barely having the strength to move around and unable to locate water or food. She appeared to be very unwell and unhappy, so feeble that she couldn’t even resist the chain holding her head down. It wasn’t just her physical health that was in danger; Athena was also severely depressed and couldn’t comprehend why her family had forsaken her. “You can tell from his expression that he’s experiencing an immense amount of pain,” lamented a user on the internet.

For several days, the adorable dog patiently waited for someone to show her kindness. Eventually, Laurica Nagel, a local rescue worker, heard about her story and decided to help. She visited Athena and earned her trust by offering her some food. From that day on, Athena relied on the carriers to provide her with the sustenance she needed.

Upon arriving at the vet, it was confirmed that the dog was exhausted and in a delicate situation. She was dehydrated and hungry, with a lot of fleas and ticks that needed attention and a couple of baths. However, what Athena needed the most at that moment was love. Sadly, she had also lost sight in one of her eyes.

Laura was concerned that finding a new home for her dog Athena, who was older, would be difficult as many families refuse to adopt older puppies. However, Laura was determined to find a loving home for Athena and shared her story. After a few weeks, they found the perfect family for Athena.

A netizen expressed relief that Athena managed to find a happy ending despite the terrible things some people are capable of doing. Athena now has a wonderful home and several dog brothers to play with all day. She received the second chance she deserved.

People should not hesitate to adopt an older puppy as they may spend less time with them, but these dogs will give so much love that we will remember them for the rest of our lives. Let’s spread the word!

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