A Mother Dog’s Heartbreaking Effort to Unearth Her Deceased Puppy in a State of Desperation

The video depicts a heart-wrenching moment where a grieving mother dog refuses to give up on finding her deceased puppy. Despite the compacted soil, Kookie persistently digs until she retrieves the male pup and uses all her strength to revive it with licks and nudges. The owner, Kaye de Luna, shares that Kookie had previously experienced pregnancy loss, making the loss of another puppy even more devastating for her. It is evident that Kookie deeply cares for her entire litter, including those that did not make it, making the scene truly heartbreaking to watch.

Kookie, a new mother, gave birth to a litter of puppies on May 17. Unfortunately, one of the smallest and weakest pups passed away during the night. Kookie immediately sensed something was wrong and began to bark loudly, alerting the owners in the home. Upon discovering the deceased puppy, the owners decided to bury it in their garden without informing Kookie, leaving the pup’s grave unmarked.

During a later stroll in the garden, Kookie went straight to the burial site of her lost pup, showing clear signs of grief and sadness. The owner, Kaye, chose to allow Kookie to mourn in her own way and deal with the loss of her puppy. A heart-wrenching video captures Kaye crying as she watches Kookie grieve for her lost pup.

Kookie began digging fervently until she detected the scent of her beloved puppy, driving her to keep going. Eventually, she managed to unearth the puppy’s body by removing a sufficient amount of soil. The mother dog proceeded to lick and nudge her lifeless pup in a bid to resuscitate it. After watching the emotional scene, Kookie stopped and shifted her focus to Kaye, who was deeply moved by what she had witnessed.

It’s heart-wrenching to see dogs grieving when they lose their puppies. The touching video shows that just like humans, our furry friends also experience pain and sorrow. It’s innate in female dogs like Kookie to lick and nudge their puppies, but when they pass away, the mother dog’s maternal instincts don’t simply disappear. Kookie’s last attempt to revive her deceased puppy was probably her way of closure and saying goodbye. As we know, dogs can grieve for their owners, so it’s only natural that they feel the same sense of loss when a puppy is taken from them.

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