“Desperate Dog Howls for Help as She and Her Puppies Remain Trapped Underground”

As the soil shifted, the tiny canines were laid to rest, but their momma cried out for help with all her might.

As a veterinarian stationed at a remote farm in Turkey, Soner Büyümez was alerted by a distressed sound he heard from a distance. Without hesitation, he rushed to the source and found a dog buried under earth due to a landslide, with only its head visible above ground.

The dog was experiencing a great deal of pain, but Büyümez soon discovered that she was concerned about more than just her own survival. “It was really heartbreaking when I first saw her,” Büyümez lamented. He realized he needed to take action, so he grabbed a shovel and began digging immediately. As Büyümez dug up the soil around the dog, he heard another sound – a faint but distinct whimper. “I heard the sound of puppies crying,” Büyümez said, “they were trapped underground.”

To protect her litter from danger, Büyümez resumed digging once the first canine was extracted safely. To her delight, Büyümez managed to rescue seven puppies who had become trapped underground after their tunnel collapsed. Thanks to Büyümez’s swift actions, the cute family was now out of harm’s way. According to Büyümez, the mother dog was most likely a stray who had to face such a dire situation alone. However, she and her offspring will no longer be alone since Büyümez has pledged to care for them as if they were her own, as they are all in excellent condition.

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