Discover the Charm of Kefir, the Beloved Maine Coon Cat Frenzy in Russia

Have you been keeping up with Russia Beyond on Facebook? If not, then you may be missing out on some delightful content! In Stary Oskol, Belgorod Region, one cat owner found herself in a unique situation during Russia’s lockdown in March 2020. Yulia Minina and her family decided to add some fun to their home by adopting a kitten. This was a first for the family, but they stumbled upon a small white kitten in their search and instantly fell in love. The only disappointment came when they picked up the kitten – he didn’t look as cute as he did in the photo… Nevertheless, they still adore him – even though he now weighs 12.5 kg and takes up quite a bit of space on Yulia’s chest!

According to the Instagram account of yuliyamn, Mina was pleasantly surprised by how her cat Kefir grew into a large and fluffy creature despite its unremarkable beginnings. Kefir was named by Mina’s daughters and initially had a thin build. However, after four to five months, Kefir began eating everything in sight and frequently played with his owners, often jumping on windowsills. Before moving into a spacious house, Kefir lived with his owners in a two-bedroom apartment. Due to his playful nature, flower pots would frequently fall off windowsills. Now, Kefir has all the room he needs to stretch and play without causing any accidents.

YuliyaMann, an Instagram user, recently posted about Kefir, a Maine Coon cat that has undergone significant growth in just one year. Kefir’s ear and tail tassels have doubled in length after six months, and he has tripled in size by his first birthday. Currently, at one year and ten months old, Kefir weighs 12.5 kg (27.5 lbs.). According to his owner, Minina, Kefir has a personality similar to a person’s, as he is intelligent and even sits with them at the dinner table in his own chair. Although Maine Coons rarely meow, Kefir sometimes quietly does so. He enjoys sleeping on his owner’s chest, although now that he is larger, it can be slightly disruptive at night.

Julia is pleasantly surprised by the unexpected popularity of her cat on Instagram. Despite only posting two photos of him on her profile, they quickly gained attention across various Russian and foreign media platforms, including Reddit. One particular photo of Kefir, her cat, received a significant amount of attention, garnering 18,000 likes and numerous comments. While some people speculated about the use of lenses and optical illusions to make Kefir appear larger, others simply commented on his scowling face. A few humorous commenters even joked that Kefir was actually a Siberian Lynx that feeds on the unworthy and drinks vodka, attributing to his unhappy expression.

Yulia, who owns the Instagram account “yuliyampann,” has revealed that many of her Russian and international followers are skeptical about the existence of Kefir, her beloved pet. They often question whether Kefir’s photos have been altered using Photoshop. Yulia also mentioned that some people have even expressed interest in buying Kefir, which she finds appalling as Kefir is an important member of her family. She emphasized that they only take more pictures of Kefir instead of giving him away. If you plan to use any content from Russia Beyond, be sure to include an active hyperlink to the original source.

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